New update: Jetpack 1.1.2

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We are back with more Jetpack goodness for you. Over the last few weeks, we’ve closely monitored new and old jetpacks and have, with surgical and space age precision, patched several important issues.

Jetpack 1.1.2 includes fixes for:

  • Fixes for all “timestamp is too old” errors (generated by difference between your server and servers)
  • Fixes for many “register_http_request_failed” errors caused by hosts making https requests, without verifying SSL certificates.
  • Smarter fallback behavior when is experiencing problems.
  • After The Deadline: fixed several settings storage issues.
  • Stats: Better handling of old statistics data.
  • Twitter Widget: improved time/date formatting, and timeout error handling.
  • Gravatar Hovercards: Improved visuals for Windows browsers.
  • Share This: improved localization for Facebook Like button.
  • Slightly improved experience for RTL languages. We plan on further improving the RTL experience in Jetpack 1.2.

When you’re strapped in and ready, go to the plugin directory to download Jetpack 1.1.2 or get the zip right here.

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Scott Berkun profile
Scott Berkun

Author and Speaker, known for fine books including The Myths of Innovation, Making things Happen, The Year Without Pants and Confessions of a Public Speaker.

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  1. Patrick says:

    how come I don’t see the update on my wordpress dashboard.

    my blog is here:


    • Scott Berkun says:

      Hi Patrick:

      You should see the notification within 24 hours – each blog checks for updates to plugins infrequently as not to use up resources unnecessarily.


  2. Alex Rodriguez says:

    I still find Sharedaddy rather neurotic. It displays the links on some posts but not all.

    Overall its a great plugin, the Flash free version of the stats alone is worth the download. Hoping to see some new features soon.




    • Scott Berkun says:

      Thanks Alex.

      Sorry about Sharedaddy’s neuroticism – he’s in counseling now and currently taking Paxil. But he’s a talented fellow so we’re sticking with him.

      Jokes aside, we’re working on new features. Stay tuned.


  3. Michele says:

    I still having this error: “Jetpack could not contact This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.
    Impossible to open a handle for fopen() to
    I’ve made a screen and uploaded there:

    I write to my host and they reply that the PHP function fopen() is not enabled on the free plan.
    How can I do if I don’t want to update to a paid plan?


    • mdawaffe says:

      Jetpack uses WordPress’ core HTTP library to make its connection with That means it tries a number of methods: cURL, fopen(), and fsockopen(). If all of those methods are disabled on your host, we suggest moving to a new host.

      Make sure you’re running the latest version of WordPress (3.2.1 as of this writing). If you continue to have trouble, please contact support at the bottom of


  4. Ramoonus says:

    I still miss a digg button
    digg was famous a long time ago


  5. Drew Hart says:

    I have been setting up my website and re-installing wp way too many times – anyway – how about a “lifestream” like plugin for jetpack. The lifestream plugin in wp doesn’t seem to be supported anymore and it would be awesome.


    • Ramoonus says:

      The lifestream guy now works for google, I know where to find him
      might be able to adopt the plugin – although my PHP skills are not good enough to fix those problems.


      • Drew Hart says:

        Well, I will have to read his license on GitHub, but I am pretty sure he got the idea from someone else, so I too was thinking of just re-writing it using his code (again, if its cool with the license – but I will credit him and the person he credits – and keep it free and open source). My PHP skills are self-taught, so it will take a couple of weeks longer than a Ninja, but maybe it will be fun to give it a try. When I get something setup on Git, I will post a link here and then everyone can contribute – I think its about the coolest plugin I have seen.


      • Ramoonus says:

        most WP developers use subversion instead of git
        atleast for official things


  6. bst5 says:

    Any chance that you’ll integrate the new Facebook “Send” button into Sharedaddy?


    • Scott Berkun says:

      Hey – it just launched yesterday – give us a chance 🙂 We’ll keep this in mind for a future release.


  7. David says:

    Just to let you know – I am using the stats and nothing else. I will see how that goes before putting any more eggs in the basket.

    I like the stats display. It is not an earth-shattering advance on the standard stats, but it’s prettier.


  8. Kiki says:

    Comments appear to be turned off on the latest blog entry, so I’ll just comment here.
    Something I’d really love that has, but .org doesn’t…. the ability to use those lovely forms ;.;

    I am loving Jetpack so far. The stats are far neater and more accurate than other plugins I’ve been using. Much love for your project ❤


  9. Destination Infinity says:

    It will be good if Jetpack can give us the functionalities of a plugin like All in One SEO/ WP SEO with all the options pre-configured. The options that you use for This will enable new bloggers not to make crucial SEO mistakes when they start.


  10. phastidio says:

    For the future development, I notice that Sharedaddy images slow down the load time of a site (checked with Pingdom, I’m also using a CDN to manage images). So, if you could look into that, it would be greatly appreciated 🙂


  11. Jen at The Wholehearted Life says:

    I just installed Jetpack on my blog and setup Twitter but all I get is the following error: Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page.

    Any ideas?

    My blog:


    • Scott Berkun says:

      Its most likely a problem with Twitter, or your connectivity to twitter. The widget queries to provide the right tweets, and if it doesn’t get a response, you’ll see the error message you’re seeing. I’d wait and try again. If it persists its most likely a problem with twitter and not with WordPress or Jetpack.


  12. Janardhan says:

    stats not working after the update. 😦


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