Is "Login as User or Customer (User Switching)" safe?

WordPress Plugin security and safety information.

Rating: Unsafe Recommendations

Login as User or Customer (User Switching): Plugin Details

Type: Plugin
Author: wp-buy
Latest Version: 3.8


Login as User or Customer (User Switching): Security Information

Insecure versions: Up To 3.8
Known since: 2024-02-17 14:00:08

Insecure versions: Up To 3.8
Known since: 2024-01-05 10:43:44

Insecure versions: Up To 3.2
Known since: 2022-12-27 04:36:26

Insecure versions: Up To 2.0
Known since: 2021-04-23 10:42:55
Description: Multiple plugins from WP-Buy has a vulnerability allowing a low privilege user to install or activate arbitrary plugins from the WordPress repository leading to further exploits. It is strongly advised to update to the latest version.

Insecure versions: Up To 2.0
Known since: 2021-04-23 10:23:55
Description: Multiple plugins from WP-Buy lacks CSRF protection allowing an outside attacker to trick a logged in admin to install arbitrary plugins from the WordPress repository leading to further exploits. It is strongly advised to update to the latest version.


Login as User or Customer (User Switching): Safety Recommendations

We have rated Login as User or Customer (User Switching) as Unsafe which means that all versions of the plugin have vulnerabilities.

We recommend that until an update is released do not use Login as User or Customer (User Switching).

Login as User or Customer (User Switching): Staying Up-to-date

Make sure your installation of Login as User or Customer (User Switching) is safe with the following free Jetpack services for WordPress sites:
  • Updates & Management
    Turn on auto-updates for Login as User or Customer (User Switching) or manage in bulk.
  • Prevent Infiltrations
    Automatic protection against brute force attacks and secure sign on.

Choose Your Plan

Login as User or Customer (User Switching): Keeping Safe

If you're running a business, ecommerce, news, or other critical website, Jetpack also provides additional indispensable services:
  • Automated Backups
    Full backup of your entire site with unlimited storage space.
  • Restores & Migrations
    Restore or migrate your site from a backup with one click.
  • Security Scanning
    Regular, automated scans of your site for malware, threats, and hacks.
  • Expert Support
    Fast, priority support for any WordPress security issue.

Choose Your Plan

About this information

This WordPress security information is part of our security library and is brought to you by Jetpack as part of our committment to a safer WordPress experience.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.