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Mailchimp Subscriber Popup

The Mailchimp Subscriber Popup provides a popup that allows visitors to join your Mailchimp email list.

Set Up Your Mailchimp Account

First, make sure to either create a Mailchimp account or log in to your current one.

Next, create an email list (Mailchimp calls this an “audience”) for your website’s followers. Within Mailchimp, go to Audience → Signup forms, and select the Subscriber popup option.

Subscriber pop-up screen.

Create your signup form

Design and configure your form however you’d like. Make sure to save and publish the form when you’re done.

Pro-tip: It’s tempting to set up your popup to show as soon as visitors land on your site. Consider setting the popup to show a few seconds after visitors land on your site. They may be more likely to sign up if they have more time to view your site before they see the popup.

When creating your form, you will see a prompt to Connect your website to publish your pop-up on your site. Click Connect Now, and you will see this option:

Connecting the site with the Mailchimp screen.

Enter your website’s URL, accept Mailchimp’s terms, and on the next screen they will give you a piece of code:

Code generated after adding your website URL.

You will need to copy and paste this code into the <head> of your website.

Placing your popup code on your website

If you do not want to add the Mailchimp code to the <head> section of your site, you can use a Mailchimp Block instead.

There are many ways to do this, but the simplest method is to use the WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager plugin. Here’s how it works:

  1. Install and activate the plugin. It’s free to download and use.
  2. In the WP Admin, go to Code Snippets → Header & Footer.
  3. Paste your code into the Header box and click Save Changes.

Check the connection in Mailchimp

In your Mailchimp account, you can now check to see if the connection to your site is successful. Click the Check Connection button and Mailchimp will check your site for the code. If you added it correctly, you should see a success message:

Connection confirmation

Going forward, when someone visits your site, they’ll get a popup with your subscription form. Mailchimp stores a cookie in the visitor’s browser, so they don’t get the popup more than once.

Here’s an example:

mailchimp popup example

Updating Your Form

If you’d like to modify your form, return to your settings in Mailchimp to make your edits. As soon as you publish those changes to the Mailchimp form, they’ll automatically be reflected on your site.

Still need help?

Please contact support directly. We’re happy to advise.

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