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Troubleshooting Jetpack Boost caching issues

If you receive an error indicating that the cache isn’t working as expected, it’s essential to identify the specific problem based on the error message. Below, you’ll find detailed guidance to troubleshoot and resolve these common caching issues, ensuring your site’s caching is optimized and functional.

File access problems

Issue: Jetpack Boost’s page cache needs to update specific directories and files within your wp-content directory to function correctly. These critical locations include:

  • wp-content: The primary content directory of your WordPress installation, where Jetpack Boost tries to create a boost-cache subdirectory.
  • wp-content/boost-cache/: Contains Jetpack Boost’s page cache configuration and cached content, which must be writable.
  • wp-content/boost-cache/config.php: Holds the page cache configuration and needs to be writable.
  • wp-content/advanced-cache.php: Facilitates serving cached content before WordPress fully loads and must be writable.

Solution: Check and adjust the permissions of these files and directories to ensure they are writable by WordPress. Use FTP/SFTP to set file permissions to CHMOD 644 or 666 and directory permissions to 755 or 775. This enables Jetpack Boost to cache your site’s content effectively.

Issue: Jetpack Boost’s caching does not support the “Plain Permalinks” setting, due to its reliance on unique URLs for efficient content caching and retrieval.

Solution: Change to pretty permalinks by going to Settings → Permalinks in your WP Admin. Select any option other than “Plain” and save your changes.

Advanced cache incompatibility

Issue: Conflicts with an existing caching system, installed by another plugin or your hosting provider, can impede Jetpack Boost’s caching.


  • Deactivate any conflicting caching plugins via the Plugins section in WP Admin.
  • For hosting-related caching conflicts, consult your provider to resolve the issue, potentially by disabling their caching solution.

Advanced cache for WP Super Cache

Issue: If WP Super Cache is active, it can conflict with Jetpack Boost’s caching mechanism.

Solution: Deactivate the WP Super Cache via the Plugins section in your WP Admin to eliminate the conflict and enable effective caching with Jetpack Boost.

Unable to write to advanced-cache.php

Issue: Jetpack Boost requires a writable advanced-cache.php file to efficiently serve cached content.

Solution: Adjust the advanced-cache.php permissions within the wp-content directory to CHMOD 644 or 666, ensuring Jetpack Boost can modify the file as needed.

WP_CACHE defined but not true

Issue: The WP_CACHE constant in wp-config.php must be true for Jetpack Boost to use WordPress caching capabilities. A false setting prevents activation.

Solution: Locate and modify the WP_CACHE definition in wp-config.php. Change it to true if set to false or add define( 'WP_CACHE', true ); above the "That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing." line if not defined.

WP-Config not writable

Issue: Write protection on wp-config.php can prevent Jetpack Boost from adding the necessary PHP line for caching activation.

Solution: Manually adjust wp-config.php permissions to make it writable, or add define( 'WP_CACHE', true ); manually if permissions are restricted. Ensure this line is placed above the "That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing." comment.

By identifying the specific issue based on the error message and following these solutions, you can address common problems with Jetpack Boost’s caching feature, improving your site’s performance and user experience.

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