Collaborative Writing for WordPress with Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the most popular online collaborative writing tools, and we’ve just improved upon it by giving you the ability to publish from Google Docs directly to a WordPress site. Eliminate copying and pasting, re-uploading images, and re-formatting. Stop disrupting your creative flows: just write, collaborate, and publish.

Installation is simple. Visit the official page on the Chrome store and click the blue “Free” button to install the add-on. Then follow the prompts to approve our add-on and you’re all set.


Then click the “Add-ons” menu, select “ for Google Docs”, and click “Open”. A sidebar will appear from where you can connect as many WordPress sites as you want as long as you have Jetpack installed (or if they’re already hosted on

Once you have a connected site simply click the blue “Save Draft” button to instantly send the contents of your Google Doc straight to your site where it will be saved as a draft.

You can also find the source code on GitHub if you’d like to take a closer look at how things work or contribute to the project.

The “ for Google Docs” Add-on requires that you connect your site to your Google Apps account and that Jetpack’s JSON API feature is enabled.  If you need any assistance, the fastest way for us to provide you with support is for you to click the “Debug” link at the bottom of your Jetpack dashboard. We’re here to help you with whatever you may need!

Pro Tip: Personal plan customers benefit from priority support and faster assistance.
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Jesse Friedman profile
Jesse Friedman

Jesse Friedman has been building websites for 20 years, and exclusively with WordPress since 2006. Jesse has written several books, taught 100’s of students as a professor, and organized dozens of local meetups along with a few WordCamps. Jesse has spoken at tech conferences around the world including SXSW, HOW, Future events and many more; and has consulted for a wide array of companies from small agencies to multi-billion dollar international companies. Today Jesse is the Head of WP Cloud and VP of Innovation and Partnership Success for Jetpack at Automattic, where he spends his time working on partnership and marketing strategies.

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  1. festivals4fun says:

    This could really come in handy for a ton of different projects

    Liked by 1 person

  2. youssefboutzakht says:

    Thanks a lot for this informations. It will help me to produce bether content for my Community

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jebswebs says:

    Does the plug-in retain all of the appropriate styling and accessibility code when it comes over into WP? Does it also bring in “bad stuff?”

    Although I rarely use Google Docs, I generally prefer to bring in content from other sources using the “text” paste because often a lot of detritus gets pasted along with the good stuff.

    Am I correct in assuming that images, and other object embedded in the Doc, will need to be added to the WP post/page in the normal way?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy says:

      The add-on tries to maintain styling while cleaning up any unnecessary HTML. Give it a try, and you shouldn’t see any unnecessary HTML in the draft created via Google Docs!

      Am I correct in assuming that images, and other object embedded in the Doc, will need to be added to the WP post/page in the normal way?

      Images are actually uploaded to your site’s Media Library when you save your draft in Google Docs. The add-on takes care of everything for you.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. swedroidcom says:

    Well, this is fantastic. Great job!

    I’ve tried headings, short codes etc. and everything seems to be working fine for us.

    The only showstopper, which I imagine will be very hard to solve, is how images are inserted. You can’t apply any formatting, so if you add an image via Google Docs, you’ll have to open the WP editor and replace it manually. It is however available via the media library of course.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy says:

      Formatting images can indeed be a bit tricky at times; we’re working on improving the way images are handled, so keep an eye on the updates to the add-on! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Miah Bracamonte says:

    Love this. Very convenient ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dušan Miladinović says:



  7. purelycrystalsblog says:

    Useful, thanks!!! 🙂


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