Jetpack 1.2.2 Released

Version 1.2.2 fixes a few small bugs that affected a small percentage of sites.

  • The expected modules get reactivated correctly during unusual upgrade paths. I’m looking at you, Sharing Module.
  • Theme compatibility (in particular the Koi theme) has been improved for subscriptions.
  • A reference to an unused CSS background image has been removed.
  • Subscription requests are no longer sent during spam comment submissions. Who wants spammers subscribing to your site anyway?

As always, if you need help, please contact support.

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  1. aleSub says:

    alright! thanks for such a great work!


  2. Norm Gregory (@NormGregory) says:

    I have Jetpack 1.2.1 installed and have received no notification that an update is available.


    • mdawaffe says:

      It can take several hours for your WordPress installation to notice the upgrade.

      If you go to your dashboard → Updates, you should be able to “manually” check for updates.


  3. royatl says:

    I get the notification, supposedly go through a successful update, then continue to get the notification while WP says I still have 1.2.1.


  4. Emilah DeToro says:

    Thank you for fixing the Koi theme check-box thingy;-)


  5. alicejennifer says:

    Thanks for your update. I have one doubt.

    Is there anyway possible to control the subscription email format within our WordPress dashboard?
    I just want to show summary of my post as like feed-burner email subscription option.


  6. MegaZone says:

    A suggestion for future updates, give the admin control of the priority for the add_filter so that we can control the display order on our pages. For example, for sharedaddy in sharing-service.php the default is:
    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘sharing_display’, 19 );
    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘sharing_display’, 19 );

    Now, the default priority is 10, so 19 is a low priority. That pretty much ensures it displays after any other plugin – for example, Outbrain. But what if we want to prioritize the sharing links higher, so that they don’t get buried? In this case Outbrain doesn’t set their priority, so it is 10 (default), and changing the lines to:
    add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘sharing_display’, 9 );
    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘sharing_display’, 9 );

    Means they’ll display before Outbrain. But doing this means editing the file and remembering to do it every time you upgrade because it steps on the changes. If this were exposed as a setting in the admin interface it would survive upgrades and would just generally be easier.



  7. cjx says:

    Thank you for the update. I hope new comment system will be published sometime in this year.


  8. Jacky Liang says:

    I never know, but does anyone like if Akismet was added into the Jetpack Plugin? It seems like a lot of people use it, and the thing is less plugins seem so much better! And maybe a contact form builder too! Something we all want for a long time!


  9. isaakwells says:

    I agree with “CJX” I have been waiting for the comment feature for a long time now.
    However I am very happy with “Jetpack” and what it has to offer, It has helped my site very well.


  10. Alex Rodriguez says:

    Not sure what is the best way to submit feature requests but I would like to see some type of Twitter quote feature added to Shortcode Embeds like the Blackbird Pie plugin.



  11. marko says:

    Thank you for the grate plugin!

    Are you planning maybe to upgrade subscritptions and include categories as an option to a subscriber?

    Best regards,


  12. Indie Books List says:

    Thank you guys for all the work you do. Could you please, please, please implement the Publicize feature in the next release of Jetpack. We would gladly pay a fee to have the darned thing implemented.

    The current Tweet/FB features on are a joke compared to that functionality.


  13. Daniel says:

    I would like:

    1. The new comment functionality.
    2. The “share this” functionality.
    3. The “Like this” functionality.

    You have all these things on this blog, where I’m commenting right now, which isn’t a blog. So why can’t we get it in Jetpack? I don’t see why it has to be exclusive for blogs.


    • MegaZone says:

      I believe this blog is running on the same engine as, it is just a special instance since it is their own blog.


    • Snat says:

      I remember reading an article about Comment Plus in which was commented that Jetpack is coming with the Twitter/Facebook etc login feature soon. I would post a link to the article, but I can not remember for the life of me what I was searching for at the time.


  14. Noah Funk says:

    I would also like to see the new comment functionality – bit confusing that it isn’t available?


  15. Nadia Mode says:

    when jetpack will release plugin like’s comment system


  16. rondallreynoso says:

    Is there no sharing functionality? I downloaded Jetpack for the e-mail subscription and the sharing but I have no functionality on the sharing.


  17. Brent DeShea Weathers says:

    Would you please add Publicize to Sharedaddy/Jetpack so I can have it added to my self-hosted blog?

    Keep up the great work!


    • Scott Berkun says:

      Publicize is a heavily requested feature, and thanks for the additional interest. We can’t promise an ETA, but we are investigating how and when to make this happen.


  18. Niklas says:

    How come several language files are empty? I’m specifically interested in the sv_SE file. This was supposed to have been included in the 1.1.3 according to the release notes.


  19. stillrivercreative says:

    If you Google “wordpress jetpack plugin sql injection vulnerability” the results are a bit unsettling.

    Can you tell us the status of any possible vulnerabilities? I would love to recommend Jetpack to my clients. Please point us to your public acknowledgement of this issue and tell us the current status. Also, on the current status = Not enough data (31 say it works; 44 say it’s broken).

    Thank you


    • Tim Moore says:

      The one exploit report (the top result in Google) has been reported to us and we have been unable to replicate an issue. We have had several of our staff look into this issue and none could find an exploitable condition as given in this report.

      Please be assured that we research any potential security issues and resolve those that we can reproduce in testing.


  20. Ryan Cowles (@MrRyanCowles) says:

    Thanks for the update! Do you guys plan on releasing the commenting feature with JetPack in the near future?


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