Jetpack 2.4: Widget Visibility and WPCC (and more!)

We’ve got a great update for you all including two new modules, three new shortcodes, and some updates and fixes to your favorite Jetpack modules!

Widget Visibility and WPCC

The first of our two new modules is Widget Visibility! This new module allows you to control which pages your widgets appear.

widget-show-conditionsTo control visibility, expand the widget and click the Visibility button next to the Save button, and then, choose a set of visibility options.

For example, if you wanted the Archives widget to only appear on category archives and error pages, choose “Show” from the first dropdown and then add two rules: “Page is 404 Error Page” and “Category is All Category Pages.”

You can also hide widgets based on the current page. For example, if you don’t want the Archives widget to appear on search results pages, choose “Hide” and “Page is Search results.”

The second of our two modules is Connect (a.k.a. WPCC). With WPCC, your users will be able to log into your WordPress admin with the same credentials they use to log into It’s safe and secure.

Once enabled, a “Connect with” option will be added to your existing log-in form.

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New Shortcodes

New in version 2.4 are new shortcodes for some of of your favorite services:

  • Twitter Timelines: display a public Twitter feed so readers can reply, retweet and favorite tweets straight from your blog or website.
  • Vine: display your Vine videos on your site by simply copying the video’s URL and pasting it into your post.
  • Presentations: build a slide presentation and display it on your site.

Versions 2.4.1 and 2.4.2

The 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 version updates brings a number of bug fixes and enhancements to Jetpack version 2.4. For a full changelog of these updates, please visit

As always, please let us know through the forums or our contact form if you notice any issues.


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Carolyn S. profile
Carolyn S.

Bacon bacon bacon!

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  1. dougison says:

    I love you guys… you are AWESOME…. mmmmmwwwwwaaaaahhhhhhh….



  2. Dave Mackey says:

    When I run YSlow it complains about Jetpack – that the JS files aren’t at the bottom. Just fyi. Keep up the great work.


  3. Scott Berkun says:

    Fantastic. Go Jetpack.


  4. lakleeman says:

    I tried dropping a “twitter timeline shortcode” into a “text widget” and it did not work. Does it only work in posts? and not in widgets?


  5. kflint2013 says:

    I hate to ask, but why is all this jetpack stuff linked in to the header like it is 1998 or something? Surely you can’t be seriously running scripts that have to take place before the pageload in every case. I’m pretty curious (now that someone else has brought it up).

    Shipping with all of the new features enabled is a really bad IT practice. Just thought I should mention that if I’mm going to have tomatoes thrown at me anyway…


  6. kflint2013 says:

    I regrettably failed to mention, the visibility widget is an awesome tool to use in combo with Woo Themes sidebar changing tool. It has a very wide range of criteria for deciding what sidebars too display where. And like that classic ‘must have’ Widgets On Pages, it generates its own virtual widget areas for you to populate and keep at your disposal for replacing other widget areas on the fly.

    I say, if you’re not going to sit down and write it, you may as well have some fun with the toolkit anyway!


  7. Alicia Duffy says:

    Does Widget Visibility support ‘is_post_type_archive’? If I display a widget on a specific post type sometimes I also want to display it on that post type archive.

    If not, are there any plans to add that in the future?



  8. nathanwells says:

    It would be great to have “Subscribe to updates” work with custom post types (not just blog posts), so I could select the custom post types that I would like to be included in the automatic email updates.


  9. quailrunphotos says:

    I reviewed the instructions for the Presentation feature. I turned on the Shortcode Embeds.
    Then I cut and paste the sample into a test page.
    Pretty cool, huh?
    The slide comes up on the screen when I display the page, but no text. Am I doing something wrong?


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