Jetpack 3.3: A Single Home for all your WordPress Sites

With the release of Jetpack 3.3 this week, we bring you a new centralized dashboard from which you can manage all your WordPress sites — both your and your Jetpack-connected sites, regardless of where they’re hosted.


All Your Sites. One Dashboard.

From day one, Jetpack’s mission has been to bring feature parity between WordPress sites hosted on and those hosted elsewhere. With this release, your Jetpack sites appear alongside those hosted on and enjoy the same user interface, management, and posting functionality.
See all your sites on a single page and know at a glance if Jetpack or another plugin requires an update. Search through multiple sites to easily identify the one you’re after.


Initiate plugin updates


Initiate plugin updates for a single site or for all your sites at once. When a plugin is out of date, you will see a notification right away. Turn plugins on or off with one click — per site or in bulk.


Automatic updates


Ensure you’re always running the latest version of Jetpack — or any other plugin — turn on auto-updates. Again, you can do this on a per-site basis or in bulk.


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Centralized posting and mobile UI


Publish new posts to any or Jetpack site from the same editor available at We optimized everything from the ground up to work on all mobile and tablet devices. You can manage and post to your sites from anywhere, on any device, with a full-featured experience.


How to Update

Visit the Plugins page in your Dashboard and update Jetpack from there. Alternatively update all your sites in bulk from


How to Install

You can install Jetpack by visiting our install page or by searching for it in your Plugins page on your dashboard.



Please give us your feedback by leaving a comment and letting us know what you love or what you’d like to see in future updates. If you find any bugs or issues, please file a new issue on GitHub, create a new forum post, or simply contact our support team.


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  1. Joseph says:

    Amazing! Love the feature to manage all plugins in one place.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paul Goodchild says:

      Hey Joseph… features like that are available with much longer established WordPress management systems such as iControlWP – I’m one of the founders of that. We have many, many plugin management features in there…



    • Nemanja says:

      Curious to see if Jetpack will be able to deliver in 2015 all (or at least most) of the features already on the market with products such as ManageWP, WPRemote, Paul’s iControlWP and others.


  2. shaneholloman says:

    I have many single sites and 2 multisites that I manage daily. I’d love a way to select all plugins that aren’t used on any site (single or multi) and bulk delete those suckers. Yes I know that sounds severe, nonetheless it would sooo awesome for house cleaning. Thoughts?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Franz says:

    no emoji-support? 😦


    • Richard A. says:

      Sorry, we were hard at work on the site management features, so emoji support isn’t quite ready yet. When it is, it will definitely be announced! 🙂


    • Bachsau says:

      I think Emoji support is a something that should be done in browsers and operating systems, not WordPress.


  4. Dave Mackey says:

    This is awesome! I love Jetpack!


  5. Andrew Ensley says:

    This is great! Do these features come from the BruteProtect acquisition? If so, should I disable that plugin now?


  6. jebswebs says:

    Just a heads up…There are some issues with the new Jetpack and Google Analytics by Yoast not playing nice and crashing the back end of numerous sites. The only way to fix it so FTP in and delete the two plugin directories. I reinstalled JP after and it seems to be working, but have not reinstalled GAbY. There are lots of comments on their support forum. But you may be getting complaints as well as the two plugins were updated at the same time.


  7. David says:

    This is awesome but why can’t I remove sites form my Dashboard?


  8. Ron Boyd says:

    Would this new ability to manage multiple sites be appropriate for a developer who administrates multiple WordPress sites for multiple clients? Is there a limit to the number of sites?


    • Richard Muscat says:

      Absolutely. There is no limit to the number of sites.


      • Ron Boyd says:

        Excellent, there were issues before where I would assist a client with their site and some how JetPack would publicize my user account information instead of the Clients’ including using my photo instead of the featured image on a post in FB & Twitter..
        So just a bit cautious, LOVE the integration and simplicity, but don’t want to have to go through all that stuff again either LOL.


      • Jeremy says:

        You can avoid these issues by having your client use their own account, while you use yours. Each admin on the site can connect their account to their own account, so both your client and yourself can use the new features mentioned in this post, without mixing things up!


      • Richard A. says:

        That’s a bit odd. If it ever happens again, let us know so we can dig into what the issue is!


      • Ron Boyd says:

        That part was a bug in the publicize part of the plugin I believe. But I haven’t seen it happening of late. I created a generic profile for client sites, moving everything to a single login will be great! Thanks!


  9. Bradley says:

    Thank you very much for this feature. Would it be possible to manage someone else’s site?
    For example, somebody has a site with jetpack and their own account, but they want someone else (who has their own account) to manage the updates.


    • Jeremy says:

      Yes, it’s possible. Each admin on the site can connect their account to their own account. So as long as you have admin access to the site, even if that site was set up by somebody else, you’ll be able to manage updates as well.


  10. T. Cee says:

    I am so happy about this update! It has already changed my life!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Scott Berkun says:

    I remember talking about this all the way back in the early discussions for (what would become) Jetpack 1.0. Congratulations! I know how much work was involved in making this happen 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. g3r0nim033610 says:

    Good work, do you think it will be integrated with the JSON API ?


    • Richard Muscat says:

      It is part of that feature already in fact.


      • Jerome Sadler says:

        Ok, but i don’t find any end-points in REST API documentation about plugin…


      • Richard A. says:

        We haven’t finished updating the documentation yet, but we’re working on it!


      • George Stephanis says:

        We’re currently building out the authorization mechanism for applications to get the user’s informed consent to access the infrastructure management endpoints — it should be available in a couple weeks. Once that’s in place, we’ll have all of the documentation available. Or, if you’d like to read the code, the endpoints have all shipped in Jetpack.

        As to an explanation of why is — if you’ve previously authorized an application thinking it’s just to publish content to your site, but then we were to silently upgrade that application so that it could install plugins on your behalf, that would be a potential security hole. So we’re just trying to ensure that before you give the third-party application permission, they get your full informed consent to have infrastructure management access.


  13. Lisa_N says:

    Can you explain how we bulk manage plugins across sites if we can only see one site at a time? Do you have videos to help with how to use the new features?


  14. Mélodie says:

    I do have one stupid (basic) question. From within which one of my websites is it the best to use this Jetpack feature, knowing that Jetpack is running in most of them? (Most of them are multi sites too).


    • Richard A. says:

      No question is stupid! 🙂 I’m not sure I completely understand your question, though. For remote management of plugins, only the root site of your multisite network will be able to update the plugins, but you should be able to activate or deactivate plugins from any subsite on , but to do so you need to activate Site Management on every subsite. Let us know if you have any trouble doing so!


      • Mélodie says:

        Well my question is about the features which make every site and subsites available from within one single dashboard, regardless of the server. I manage several sites and subsites hosted in different places, so the “one ring to rule them all” thing does interest me. My question is about the details : how to set it up to start with?


      • Richard A. says:

        Have you taken a look at ? That tells you all about it (but you need to update to Jetpack 3.3 on all your sites first). If you have a specific question that isn’t answered there, let us know and we’ll make sure the document gets updated!


  15. wpguide says:

    “WordPress should auto-update in the background just like Chrome” (paraphrasing Matt Mullenweg’s 2013 WordCamp keynote) .. we’re finally getting there.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. David Venter says:

    This is awesome. But now can you please update the WordPress iOS app so that I can see self-hosted site stats in Notification Center “Today” view? It seems to only be working with sites. Needs self hosted support!!! Also looking forward to brute protect integration! Good guys. Thanks for making the internet awesome! Oh and… Happy holidays! 🙂


  17. Rachna Rathore says:

    This looks like a very promising update and this single home for all WordPress site is great but I haven’t been able to find any step by step tutorial or videos to assist noobs like me. Can you point me to a resource page where I can get the hold of this feature and find all the How-To’s ?


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