Credential Stuffing vs Password Spraying: How Do They Differ

Credential stuffing and password spraying are two prevalent types of cyberattacks that threaten user security. Though they might seem similar at first, they operate in distinctly different ways. This guide will dive into how these attacks function, highlight their differences, and discuss protective measures.

An overview of credential stuffing vs password spraying

What are credential stuffing attacks, and how do they work?

Credential stuffing is a cyberattack where hackers use stolen username and password pairs from one breach to gain unauthorized access to accounts on other platforms. This method exploits the common practice of people using the same login details across different services.

What are password spraying attacks, and how do they work?

In contrast, password spraying doesn’t use any specific user’s known credentials, but instead targets many different usernames with just a few of the most commonly-used passwords. This broad approach takes advantage of the weak passwords that are unfortunately still in use across various accounts.

Differences between credential stuffing and password spraying

Understanding how credential stuffing and password spraying differ helps you defend against them. These methods, while both aimed at unauthorized access, diverge significantly in their approach and source of data.

The next sections break down these differences in detail, offering insight into the specific nature of each threat and guiding the implementation of effective security measures.

1. Attack methodology

Credential stuffing uses previously-breached username and password pairs. Hackers employ automated scripts to apply these credentials across various websites and applications, hoping that some users have reused their login information. The success of this method heavily depends on the widespread issue of credential reuse among internet users.

Password spraying: This method tries to gain access to one specific platform at a time using a few common passwords against a large number of usernames. The attacker assumes that, out of many accounts, some will have passwords that match these widely used, simple ones. This approach capitalizes on the common neglect of strong password practices.

2. Source of data

Credential stuffing depends heavily on accessing large databases of leaked or stolen credentials. These databases often come from previous security breaches where personal login information was exposed. Attackers take these credentials and test them on numerous sites to find matches, exploiting the fact that many people use the same password across different platforms.

Password spraying does not rely on previously-stolen data. Instead, it uses lists of common passwords that are publicly known or easy to guess. Bad actors count on the probability that numerous individuals use these weak passwords, making them susceptible to unauthorized access to some accounts.

3. Target vulnerabilities

Credential stuffing exploits the common practice of reusing the same credentials across multiple services. When users apply the same username and password on various platforms, it creates a significant vulnerability. An attacker only needs one set of valid credentials to potentially gain access to multiple accounts.

Password spraying is particularly effective against accounts that use simple and common passwords. It thrives on the weakness of basic password policies where users set easily-guessable passwords. The simplicity of these passwords makes numerous accounts susceptible to being compromised even with a low-effort strike approach.

4. Attack complexity

Credential stuffing requires the attacker to have access to a large dataset of compromised credentials. These credentials must be both current and extensive enough to provide potential access across a variety of websites. Additionally, cyber criminals often use sophisticated bots that can mimic human login behavior to avoid detection and maximize their success rate.

Password spraying is more simple to execute. Attackers need only a list of common passwords and usernames to begin their attack. The simplicity lies in the minimal preparation needed and the lack of sophisticated tools required. However, the basic nature of the attack also means that it might be more easily countered by basic security measures such as account lockout policies or more robust password requirements.

5. Rate of detection

Credential stuffing can be difficult to detect because of the use of sophisticated bots and the vast amount of data available. Attackers often employ techniques such as proxy rotation and timing adjustments to evade detection systems. These tactics aim to mimic legitimate user behavior, making it harder for security measures to distinguish between genuine login attempts and malicious activity.

Password spraying, on the other hand, is generally easier to detect. This is because it involves repeated login attempts using a limited set of passwords, which can trigger automated systems to flag and block suspicious activity. Furthermore, many organizations implement IP-based rate limiting, which can quickly identify and mitigate password spraying attempts by blocking or throttling login attempts from suspicious IP addresses.

6. Evasion techniques

Credential stuffing attackers often change their tactics to avoid triggering security alerts. They might use proxy rotation to hide their IP addresses, making it difficult for security systems to trace malicious activity back to a single source. Additionally, they adjust the timing of their login attempts to spread them out and mimic normal user activity, reducing the likelihood of detection.

Password spraying may involve the strategic distribution of IP addresses to bypass IP-based rate limiting, a common security measure that blocks excessive login attempts from a single IP address. By spreading attempts across many different IPs, criminals aim to blend in with normal traffic, making it harder for security protocols to pinpoint and block their activities.

7. Success rate

Credential stuffing success rates often depend on the quality and freshness of the stolen credential list. If the credentials are recent and have not been widely recognized as compromised, the attack is more likely to succeed. However, the increasing awareness and use of security measures like multifactor authentication can diminish its effectiveness.

Password spraying typically has a lower success rate compared to credential stuffing because it relies on the chance that some accounts use very common passwords. However, it can still be remarkably effective against organizations that do not enforce strong password policies, making it a continued threat. The basic nature of the assault means that enhancing password policies and user education can significantly reduce its success.

Similarities between credential stuffing and password spraying

While credential stuffing and password spraying are distinct in their methods and approaches, they share several key similarities that underscore the persistent challenges in digital security.

Overall goal

The primary aim of both credential stuffing and password spraying is to gain unauthorized access to user accounts. This unauthorized access can lead to a variety of harmful outcomes, including the theft of personal information, fraudulent financial transactions, or even further propagation of the intrusion within a network. Both attacks exploit weak spots in data management and user security practices.

Dependency on automation

Both attacks heavily rely on automated tools to execute their strategies at scale. Credential stuffing uses automated bots that can input stolen credentials into login forms across websites at an incredibly high speed. 

Similarly, password spraying utilizes automation to apply common passwords across an array of user accounts, maximizing the attack’s reach and efficiency. This reliance on automation allows criminals to test thousands, if not millions, of combinations quickly and with minimal manual effort.

Countermeasure overlap

The defenses that mitigate credential stuffing and password spraying often overlap, reflecting their shared reliance on weak password and authentication protocols. Measures such as multifactor authentication (MFA) provide a powerful counter by adding a layer of security that isn’t dependent on passwords alone. 

Similarly, CAPTCHAs can prevent automated bots from making mass login attempts, thereby blocking a critical component of both attack types. Advanced user authentication protocols, including behavioral biometrics and risk-based authentication, can detect unusual login patterns typically associated with these assaults.

We guard your site. You run your business.

Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security, including real‑time backups, a web application firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection.

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The impact and consequences of successful attacks

The consequences of successful credential stuffing and password spraying attacks are broadly damaging. Both attacks can lead to significant security breaches, exposing sensitive user data and potentially causing financial loss for both users and organizations. 

Additionally, once a cyber criminal gains access to a system, they can exploit this access to carry out further malicious activities, such as installing malware, creating backdoors for future access, or stealing more extensive sets of data. The broader impacts also include erosion of trust in the affected service, reputational damage, and the potential for significant regulatory fines depending on the nature of the data compromised and the jurisdiction.

Countermeasures against credential stuffing and password spraying

Developing a comprehensive defense strategy against credential stuffing and password spraying is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of user data. Implementing the following measures can significantly reduce the risks associated with these types of cyberattacks.

1. A web application firewall (WAF)

A web application firewall (WAF) is a vital security layer that monitors, filters, and blocks harmful traffic and attacks on websites before they reach the server.

Jetpack Security offers a robust WAF designed specifically for WordPress sites, which helps protect against a variety of threats — including credential stuffing and password spraying — by analyzing and stopping suspicious activities based on a set of rules and policies tailored to WordPress environments.

Learn more about Jetpack Security here.

2. Strong, unique password enforcement

Enforcing the use of strong, unique passwords is one of the most effective ways to enhance account security. Organizations should set clear guidelines for password complexity, including minimum length and the required use of symbols, numbers, and both upper and lower case letters. Password managers can also help users maintain a unique password for each site, significantly reducing the risk of successful credential stuffing attacks.

3. Limited login attempts

Setting a limit on the number of unsuccessful login attempts from a single IP address can prevent automated software from executing brute force attacks. This slows down assailants by temporarily blocking them after several failed attempts, protecting accounts from both credential stuffing and password spraying.

4. Rate limiting and account lockout adjustments

Intelligent rate limiting and account lockout mechanisms further enhance security by restricting the rate at which login attempts can be made, thus mitigating the impact of automated attacks. You can configure these systems to lock out accounts under suspicious circumstances without disrupting user access under normal conditions.

5. Multifactor authentication (MFA)

Multifactor authentication requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to their accounts, which adds a layer of security beyond just the username and password. Implementing MFA can effectively neutralize the risk posed by compromised credentials, as the attacker would also need the secondary factor to breach the account.

6. Security awareness training for employees and users

Regular training sessions for employees and users are essential to cultivate a security-aware culture. These trainings should emphasize the importance of strong, unique passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and understanding the security measures in place. Educated users are less likely to fall prey to attacks and more likely to report suspicious activities.

7. Regular security audits and vulnerability scanning

Conducting regular security audits and vulnerability scans allows organizations to identify and address security weaknesses before attackers can exploit them. These assessments should include a review of both the physical and digital security measures in place.

8. Malware scanning

In the event of a breach, quick identification of any introduced malware is crucial for minimizing damage.

Jetpack Security provides comprehensive malware scanning services for WordPress sites, allowing for immediate detection and removal of malicious software, thus helping to secure the site post-attack and prevent future incidents.

Learn more about Jetpack Security here.

Frequently asked questions

How do cyber criminals gather credentials for a credential stuffing attack?

Bad actors obtain credentials for credential stuffing attacks primarily from data breaches where user information was exposed and leaked. These credentials are often traded or sold on dark web markets. Additionally, attackers may use phishing scams or malware to capture login information directly from users. Once obtained, these credentials are used to attempt access to various websites.

How do attackers choose targets for password spraying?

When selecting targets for password spraying, cyber criminals typically look for organizations where security practices might be weak or where they believe the user base might employ common and easily-guessable passwords. 

They often target large pools of users, such as those found in popular online services, educational institutions, or businesses that may not enforce strong password policies. The objective is to maximize the probability of success by attacking user accounts en masse.

Can strong passwords prevent both credential stuffing and password spraying attacks?

Strong passwords are very effective at mitigating the risks of both credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. By using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters in passwords — and ensuring that they’re unique across different services — users can dramatically reduce the likelihood of unauthorized access. 

However, strong passwords alone may not be enough. Implementing additional security measures such as web application firewalls (WAFs) further enhances protection by blocking suspicious activities that might indicate an ongoing assault.

What can a WordPress website manager do to prevent these attacks?

WordPress site managers can enhance security and protect against these types of attacks by implementing several key strategies. 

First, enforcing strong password policies and encouraging unique passwords can greatly reduce risk. Adding multifactor authentication (MFA) provides an extra layer that compensates for potentially compromised passwords. Regularly updating and patching WordPress, themes, and plugins helps close security vulnerabilities that criminals could exploit.

To provide comprehensive protection, website managers can also install a plugin like Jetpack Security, the all-in-one security solution designed for WordPress sites. Jetpack Security includes a web application firewall (WAF) that helps block malicious login attempts, malware scanning to detect and remove harmful software, and real-time backups to restore the site in the event of an attack. 

By using Jetpack Security, website managers can ensure robust defenses against a range of security threats, including credential stuffing and password spraying attacks.

Jetpack Security: Password protection for WordPress sites

Jetpack Security’s tools are designed to be easy to use while providing robust protection against the types of attacks discussed on this page. By integrating such a powerful security solution, WordPress site managers can ensure that their sites are less vulnerable to cyber threats and better prepared to handle unexpected security challenges.

Learn more about Jetpack Security

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Jen Swisher profile

Jen Swisher

Jen is a Customer Experience Specialist for Jetpack. She has been working with WordPress and Jetpack for over a decade. Before starting at Automattic, Jen helped small businesses, local non-profits, and Fortune 50 companies create engaging web experiences for their customers. She is passionate about teaching others how to create on the web without fear.

We guard your site. You run your business.

Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security, including real‑time backups, a web application firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection.

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