Jetpack to the Cloud

No one really gets the distinction between the two things called WordPress at first, the dot-com and the dot-org.

On dot-com in just a few clicks you’re set up on a web-scale centralized platform that constantly gets new upgrades and features. And you never have to worry about it because it’s completely hassle-free and completely supported by our happiness team.

On dot-org you sign up and host your blog with a hosting company and you get complete control over every aspect of your plugins and code, but you also have the responsibility of maintaining it and adding anything new you want to try.

What if you could have the best of both worlds?

Enter Jetpack. Today we’re launching the first version of what’s been a dream of mine for several years now, really since my State of the Word presentation in 2009: a way to provide feature parity between and for everybody.

Our users have been banging down the door for this. Every time we launch something new on the first question is always asking how people can get it for their self-hosted blog. Now you can have your cake and eat it too — host your own blog, completely under your control and with the freedom of the GPL, and still get all the cloud goodies of our hosted service. It’s the best of both worlds, the decentralized and the centralized, the control and the convenience, the peanut butter and the chocolate.

In short, it’s the vision I had for WordPress when I first founded Automattic five years ago finally coming to fruition (and from an amazing team). And we’re thrilled to be joined by great partners as well — BluehostDreamHostGo DaddyHostGatorMedia Temple, and Network Solutions are launch partners. The one-click WordPress installs on all the largest web hosts in the world are now Jetpack-enabled, which means that the vast majority of people experiencing WordPress for the first time will have a seamless Jetpack experience.

For launch we’ve brought eight of the most-requested features into Jetpack as one easy bundle: Hovercards, Stats, After the Deadline, Twitter widget, shortcodes, shortlinks, easy Facebook/Twitter/WordPress sharing buttons (Sharedaddy), and for our fellow math nerds, \LaTeX. We’re excited about this initial set of features, but we’re even more excited for what’s coming down the road.

We hope you join us for the ride. You can download Jetpack immediately, and learn more about the features, from We also encourage you to check out our FAQ page, and if there’s anything you still are wondering drop us a comment below.

(Mozilla Jetpack is a wonderful, but entirely unrelated, open source project run by Mozilla Labs, which, if you know CSS/JavaScript, makes it easier than ever to improve Firefox. We checked with them first and we’re mutually cool on the name.)

Download and get your Jetpack today.

See some additional coverage on TechCrunch, The Next Web, WP Candy.

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Matt profile

In 2002 I started contributing to Open Source software, and life has just gotten better from there. Co-founder of WordPress, founder Automattic.

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  1. Pingback: Automattic Launched a Jetpack « Weblog Tools Collection

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  5. Jon Breitenbucher says:

    Awesome! Thanks.

    Also, thanks for the LaTeX lovin’!


  6. Planet WordPress says:

    I always missed shortlinks. Now, no more worries. Kudos to everyone at Automattic. 🙂


  7. Ell says:

    congratulations Matt & super team!

    constant changes are healthy in life, so keep up the good work 🙂


  8. Alex Rodriguez says:

    This is great! No more Flash in stats!


  9. Kaushik Biswas says:

    Great! I’ll get the Jetpack and try it out how it works with my self hosted wordpress sites.


  10. Pankaj Gupta says:

    I installed Jetpack with success, but when I click ‘Connect to’ , it gives following error :
    “Your Jetpack has a glitch. Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).”

    Anybody have any clue what went wrong?


    • Simon says:

      +1 for this error (on all of my sites across multiple servers.. all running 3.1)


    • Richard Brown says:


      I have this error on a network site ( and a non-network site ( Any thoughts anyone please?




    • Scott Berkun says:

      If your blog is a local install, Jetpack can’t access to make the connection.

      If that’s not the case, I recommend


    • lukeonline says:

      My .com domains activated Jetpack and took off! My .net domains crashed and burned.


    • John Conners says:

      I have this problem and investigated a bit. Turned out an https call was failing as curl on my web server wasn’t configured with a certificate bundle to validate against (so it was complaining that it couldn’t trust the SSL connection). I’m guessing the verification step in JetPack makes a call over https to, but the error message itself is buried.

      In my case there’s no easy workaround as you have to recompile / reinstall curl to get it to look for a certificate bundle but if it’s something similar you may be more lucky!


  11. Rafael Ramos says:

    This is great! 😀


  12. A Web Developer says:

    Looking forward to also including JetPack plugin into WampDeveloper’s wordpress package.


  13. Carol Yates Wilkerson says:

    Wish I knew which plugins I already have that this one would make obsolete. 🙂


    • Scott Berkun says:

      If you go to your Dashboard and click on Plugins, you’ll see a list of all your current plugins.


  14. Roseli A. Bakar says:

    Looks good, gonna have to try this.


  15. Shawn says:

    I’m getting the same error:

    “Your Jetpack has a glitch. Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).”


  16. Mike Schinkel says:

    I excitedly downloaded the Jetpack plugin and installed on my local development machine only to find out that it doesn’t work in local development mode. 😦 😦 😦



  17. tomaltman says:

    This is great. Installed like a dream.

    I really like the site stats improvements!


  18. gicela says:

    This was badly needed. Fantastic news 🙂 Thank you guys!


  19. Tony says:

    Hmmm…so, it’s just a super-plugin?


    • Scott Berkun says:

      Yes and No. It is a bundle of plugins, but some (like Stats) take advantage of, which provides functionality self hosted blogs can’t do alone. Future versions of Jetpack will have more of these features.


  20. stanzl17 says:

    Hey, I translated it into German. Where can I send the files?


  21. Pingback: Jetpack by « WordPress Publisher Blog

  22. Chip Bennett says:

    Why do the non-API-using components (e.g. Twitter Widget, Sharedaddy, LaTeX, Shortcode Embeds, etc.) require connection to/authentication with a WPCOM account in order to work?

    Due to the “Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: site_inaccessible” bug, I can’t even try the non-API components, because the entire thing fails to work.

    Also: will the stand-alone Plugins continue to be updated in the WPORG Plugin Repository? I’d absolutely LOVE to be able to start using the updated, no-longer-Flash-dependent Stats Plugin.


    • Andy P says:

      You will need to use Jetpack on a public facing site for it to work correctly. We will consider ways to improve this in future versions.

      Requiring the connection was a UX decision, we wanted to simplify the process for the majority of users who are non-technical. Requiring a connection for some modules and not others would have added a layer of confusion. New modules in Jetpack will likely need the cloud, so getting the connection part over and done with will improve the experience of future upgrades.


      • Chip Bennett says:

        Hi Andy, and thanks for the reply!

        My site is publicly accessible. (I see another commenter noticed a discrepancy regarding connection for dot-com domains versus dot-net domains. Mine is also a dot-net domain.).

        I don’t have a problem with a single WPCOM authentication. It’s a nice, clean solution for the components that do require it. I just don’t understand why enabling of the the non-API components is also tied to that authentication. It doesn’t seem like it would be an impossible UX problem to solve. 🙂


      • Matt says:

        You also have to keep in mind that a huge percentage of Jetpack’s new users are getting the plugin auto-activated by their host on install, and we didn’t want to turn on any features until they had taken a step to activate Jetpack.


  23. Rahul Sharma says:

    Really wanted something like this for a long time… 🙂
    Thanks for this new feature automattic!


  24. tweettwins says:

    Hostgator handle Jetpack. Great to know – but we expected they would anyway didn’t we!

    I’ve just checked with their tech support – so this is a verifed message.


  25. Christian Busslinger says:

    Downloaded… that’s great! good job!


  26. Sonu says:

    Please also release the theme you are using for 😦 I’m in love with this theme thanks


  27. sedia says:

    that’s great news 🙂 i’ll see if the pricing is ok too!


  28. Joss says:

    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes […] !


  29. Sunil J says:

    When can we expect Global Tags in JetPack?


  30. wcrnews says:

    This is great but I am having an issue with two of the plugins. When I attempt to activate WordPress Stats or Sharedaddy I get the following error:

    “Module could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. Perhaps there is a conflict with another plugin you have installed?”

    I don’t see any other plugins that could be causing an issue.


  31. Marius Ciobotaru says:

    Why I should embed media with a shortcodes? So what if I put the classic iframe?


  32. Marcelo Toscano says:

    I spend 4 hours last night tanslationg the strings to pt_BR and now they dispapear

    Where is it?!?!


  33. MossackAnme™ says:

    Hope we can fully-connected with another bloggers through JetPack future releases. Amazing works!


  34. David says:

    YSlow usually suggests making fewer HTTP requests and states something along the lines of “This page has x external Javascript scripts. Try combining them into one.”

    Will Jetpack impact this?


    • Beau Lebens says:

      Jetpack does load additional resources on your blog if you have all modules activated. Almost anything you do that adds features to your site will add more requests though, so this is always something you’d need to consider. If you are concerned about performance, then you should review each module and disable any that you don’t want to use.


  35. tcoburn says:

    Very awesome job! am so happy to see this released.
    There is one thing I’d like to see added though,
    facebook/twitter connect/commenting support.
    there are too many facebook/twitter connect plugins
    and NONE of them work! since nobody registers for a WP
    blog anymore, its kind of useless to even have the account feature
    in individual blogs. Who wants to register for yet another new blog?
    if you can comment with your existing account that would be different,
    but most people have facebook and or twitter already so it only makes sense to support those. I have said for years they should add that functionality to the wordpress core, but it never gets done, so I say add to jetpack


  36. Tim says:

    I want to know and to ask if it possible in the future to bring out the experience of to every wordpresser including .org- self hosted blogers- . I say that will be thery nice if we, selfhosted wordpress bloggers, participate more in the with out post… if they are alowed in the global dashboard of…


  37. Theo says:

    You guys are unbelievable, great work!


  38. Milan Dinić says:

    What is not clear is will those separate plugins that were available previously be discontinued or you will update both versions?


    • Beau Lebens says:

      Plugins which were managed by Automattic, which are now part of Jetpack, will be updated through Jetpack in the future. They will be gradually moved over to the Jetpack-only version.


  39. naestyoh says:

    Fresh install of WP on my Media Temple hosting. Connected and installed JetPack, yet, trying to actually run the modules like Stats gives me “Module could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error. Perhaps there is a conflict with another plugin you have installed?” No other plugins are installed.


  40. londoni magyarok says:

    We have been waiting for this so long. Jetpack will be a big leap for self hosted blogs.
    The 8 features are already a big plus and if you will include more in the future that will be awesome.

    thanks for making this available.


  41. Gary says:

    This is sure an interesting strategic decision by Automattic! I guess it’s one way of adding more functionality to without ‘bloating’ the core software; software is still left nice an lean but multiple functionality can very easily be added through jetpack.
    It’ll be interesting to see how Plugin authors/developers that distribute Plugins that compete with those included in jetpack react.
    I believe that this is a good way for non-techies that have a self-hosted WordPress site to easily add commonly used functionality.


  42. ilokano says:

    There should be an option to show sharing on “posts” only, no “pages”.


  43. Lisa @ BaffledBooks says:

    I downloaded and installed Jet Pack yesterday and after some trouble with that glitch it worked perfectly! This morning though is said that I hadn’t verified the API key, which was true because at no point had the program asked for it or offered a place to put it.

    It still isn’t offering anywhere for me to put it but won’t let me use any of the feature either. Where on earth am a I supposed to put this key? I’ve looked everywhere! Help please, I would love to be able to keep using jetpack (Especially stats!).


  44. Doug Stewart says:

    Any indication on when JP will work in coordination with BuddyPress installs? It currently bombs out on activation attempts.


    • David Anderson says:

      +1 (this doesn’t seem to be in the forums)

      also, I’m a little miffed that there seems to be tons of users blowing up in the forums about how first WP-stats and now WP-popular posts plugins seem to have been affected by the API->XMLRPC move. Lots of publishers use the latter (which relies on the first) in customized ways, and I think a lot of technical people would have loved some warning that that was happening so that they could have time to make changes, and not just wake up with major parts of their sites not working. I know, I know, get what you pay for, but it seems like it would have taken very little effort to warn the community of changes. Or maybe y’all did warn us, and no one noticed? (please please please point to this!)

      thanks for all you do in creating/nurturing this ecosystem,

      (in our case, jetpack isn’t an immediate possibility because of buddypress and other customization of our install…)


      • drron says:

        First I noticed that Stats just stopped working. Then, I discover that I am unable to install Jetpack. I have two BuddyPress sites that I have done pro bono for prospective clients who I have been trying to impress with how great WordPress and BuddyPress are. I have wasted many hours on this so far and it is still not clear whether Jetpack is supposed to work with BuddyPress or not.

        I’d be a happy paying customer if I was given a clue about things like this, so I don’t waste hours of my time.

        Can anyone tell me whether Jetpack will work with BuddyPress if I pay for an Akismet account?

        Is is one thing to change a policy without warning, but even worse to leave users in the dark about how to get things working again.


      • John James Jacoby says:

        We’re looking into compatibility issues between Jetpack and BuddyPress, but need more information about these individual cases in order to help.

        I personally installed Jetpack on on March 20, and it has been running successfully since.

        Also on the support forums, there are no posts found with the tag “jetpack” which leads me to believe these cases are isolated.

        There is a topic over on the support forums that seems to be the best place for people with this issue to compare notes. Join in the fun over there and let’s get this figured out! 🙂


  45. Adam McCombs says:

    I know it’s early but is there any information for developers who want to build for jetpack? This looks like an amazing service we’d like to be a part of!


    • Beau Lebens says:

      There are not yet any plans to have other developers add official features to Jetpack, so there are no developer docs available.


  46. meroone says:

    This plugin so good and useful,I like it very much.


  47. lnxwalt says:

    If you have already installed the one-click version on your host, will the next version pull in Jetpack?


    • Beau Lebens says:

      This is up to the individual hosts (some say they will, some won’t), but you can easily install Jetpack via your WordPress admin panel if you like, by searching the plugin directory for “jetpack”.


  48. Cain says:

    This sounds great and I was hopping for something like this; however, what I’m really looking for is the ‘Publish to’ feature with the added benefit of publishing to, not only Facebook and Twitter, but to Live Journal as well. If that could happen then I could finally move all of my blogs to dot-org.


  49. Spears Marketing says:

    Since Jetpack came out, the original stats plugin I’ve used on all my self hosted sites have stopped working. The error message it’s displaying is “Your account, ‘username’ is not authorized to view the stats of this blog.”
    I read somewhere this is caused by Jetpack but I’m not sure how. Can anyone lend some light to the issue?


    • mdawaffe says:

      That bug was introduced around the same time, but was not directly related to the Jetpack release. We think we’ve fixed it.

      If you’re still having problems, please contact support, and we’ll get everything fixed.


      • Spears Marketing says:

        It seems to be back up and running, but I’m not sure it’s accurate. On several of my sites, there is a discrepancy between the blog stats “views today” and the line graph number. Also, the number of hits over the past several days has changed from what they originally were showing before the stats plugin stopped working entirely. The number of total and daily hits that are showing has also gone down, but I don’t know if that’s just a traffic fluctuation or the plugin error.


  50. Asko Nõmm says:

    Jetpack made me uninstall 3 plugins…. yay! Jetpack is definitely a win-win solution and will make a lot of people happy. Me being one of them. Thanks!


  51. marco says:

    Hope it works with qtranslate.


    • therider62 says:

      I have both qTranslate and Jetpack on a WP3.1 and I haven’t had any problem so far.

      The fact that wordpress-stats stopped working was nasty, but in the end, doing a little research on this pointed me towards Jetpack and had me resolve the problem that way. I am happy again.


  52. mercadder says:

    This is great! Thank you for save us time!



  53. Jim McCorison says:

    There are several reasons we are moving to self hosted. The first is the most common, the lack of plugins and control on the dot-com version. The second is that we don’t want to be hosted on a highly visible system. Dot-com hosts a huge variety of sites, some of which attract unwanted attention because of the views espoused. This has resulted in DDOS attacks, and I’m sure, attempts at hacking into the site to steal user information. Self hosting doesn’t prevent that, but it does reduce the likelihood.

    Jetpack seems like a great idea, but once again you are dependent on the dot-com version to be available. If somebody does a DDOS on the dot-com site, aren’t you once again subjected to the adverse affects?


  54. danastavana says:

    I keep getting this message:
    SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

    I am new to this whole thing and have limited HTML and CSS knowledge. Do I need ot buy yet another product from GoDaddy to use this? I do not see why I would need an SSL if I am not performing transactions on my site, but maybe I am wrong. Help!


  55. jennifer says:

    I am unable to connect jetpack with wordpess. I do not have the c3 cache plugin. For some reason jetpack is not taking my wordpress username. Any suggestions?

    ps:hosting with fatcow


  56. Fadhly Mhd says:

    Could you please create a Indonesian project for Jetpack 1.1.1 on and make me(Ztutorial) validator? Thanks…


  57. gabe mott says:

    I have four or five different sites of my own, all wordpress, all hosted on my own servers. Today I was making a site for a friend and installed a staging site with wordpress 3.2 for her. When I saw the option for jetpack, it asked me to login with my own wordpress login, not the one I set up for her. Now I am confused and I am surprised no one else is commenting on this.

    When you ask me to put in my general wordpress login (I have to dig around for this anyway) and don’t tell me the bigger ramifications, I get scared. Is this going to merge data across all my sites? Should I tell my friend she needs to get a wordpress login and use that for her jetpack? I’m only at the staging site for her anyway, so I think I’ll skip it. But your enthusiasm is inectuous so I am a little bummed.


    • Scott Berkun says:

      Hi Gabe:

      The only account you need for Jetpack is a account. It can be any person account – your clients, yours, or you can even create a new one if you like. But we need this in order to authorize use of the services.

      Using the login ID for your own sites won’t work, since your sites are self-hosted, they are not accounts.

      We’d recommend creating a account for your client, and to reuse it for all of her blogs if she wishes to connect Jetpack to them.


  58. secrets2earn says:

    I have always wondered what is the difference between the two .org and .com on wordpress. Now things are much clear. Curiously checking out Jetpack to know how it works.


  59. Cynthia Santos says:

    If it doesn’t work on self hosted sites, why is wordpress offering it?? Gee, what a waste of time!


  60. Cynthia Santos says:

    Ok, I have 4self hosted sites at the same server. Three of them didn’t work, one did. What happens next?


  61. medcoglobalexchange says:

    I just tried to link our hosted wordpress to jetpack and input our registration details. I immediately lost access to the wordpress control panel and now just get a http 500 error response.
    Our wordpress site is still there, I just can’t edit it any more. Have tried in vain to see what to do next by trawling the wordpress forums. Have found others who have had the same problem but there seems to be no advice available on how to solve this.


  62. Mehwish Khan says:

    thnxs 🙂 its really nice…. 🙂 thnxs again


  63. Fathers of Mercy says:

    Just upgraded to the new version of Jetpack and lost access to the dashboard. I’ve since deleted it via ftp. What’s going on here?


    • Scott Berkun says:

      Sorry you’re having trouble. To help you we need a more specific bug report. Can you tell us:

      1) Exactly what you mean by ‘lost access to dashboard’. Did you take a screenshot?
      2) What were you doing right before this happened? Did the plugin install ok? What was the last thing you clicked before this happened.
      3) What hosting provider are you on?



  64. bentcrayon says:

    I have “sharing” set up for blog through jetpack, yet on my stats page, I see NO “Blog Share Stats”…any ideas??


  65. Rachel Garrett CMT#9672 says:

    I installed and activated the plugin but when I click the connect to it just takes me to my homepage ?


  66. oddsocket says:

    My Host (namesco) blocks access to xmlrpc.php because of an old vulnerability. I can see that there are numerous pleas for them to lift this block floating around online, but since they haven’t I’m guessing my complaint will fall on deaf ears.

    I’ve made the android wordpress app work by renaming the blocked file and updating two other files which point at it. This doesn’t seem to work for jetpack though. I’m guessing that the external server is rigid in requiring xmlrpc.php. I’m hoping that there’s a workaround or a fix in the works, but kind of resigned to the fact that wordpress (and jetpack is becoming more or less a must-have) will not work properly on a host that blocks xmlrpc functionality.

    Changing my host is going to be a hassle. 😦


  67. Judy says:

    Wait… So I have been making a website on my mac so my address is http://localhost blahblah, and I thought this plugin makes my website become part of but when I install Jetpack and start it, it says Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack… I already have a domain I want to use that’s hosted by Bluehost but I don’t know how to move my locally hosted website into Bluehost at once… PLEASE Respond…


    • Tim Moore says:

      Jetpack brings certain features of to self-hosted sites. It doesn’t host sites on its own. The connection to is needed to utilize our servers for certain features, like Stats.

      You’ll want to refer to the Moving WordPress Codex article to move your site from your local machine to Bluehost. Once it is on Bluehost, you’ll be able to connect your Jetpack to account.

      If you have more questions on moving your website from your local machine to Bluehost, there are a number of volunteers who can help you with questions at


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