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  1. whitegoodshelp says:

    I am interested in this feature. I currently use AddThis, which I have to pay for each month. Is it feasible to replace AddThis with the Jetpack social features? Would Jetpack show all my current shares just the same as AddThis?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Adam says:

      Is it feasible to replace AddThis with the Jetpack social features? Would Jetpack show all my current shares just the same as AddThis?

      Jetpack and AddThis get their share/like counts in the same way, which is by directly querying the API of the service or site in question. So yes, the share counts should stay the same if you switch from AddThis to Jetpack (or vice versa) because both plugins are doing basically the same thing.

      One thing to note, however, is that AddThis seems to support many more services than Jetpack. Compare our list here:


      … with the one from AddThis:


      All those extra services may not matter to you if you’re only using the big ones, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and so on, but it’s something to be aware of.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. whitegoodshelp says:

    Excellent. Many thanks Adam.


  3. Hirak Ghosh says:

    Thank you


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