Jetpack 4.6: Google Analytics Integration, PHP 7.1 Compatibility, and Publicize Improvements

Welcome to Jetpack 4.6, available now for upgrade or installation. This release includes:

  • Google Analytics integration
  • PHP 7.1 compatibility
  • Publicize improvements
  • Enhancements to shortcodes and widgets

Google Analytics Integration

Existing and new Professional Plan customers now benefit from simpler Google Analytics setup and integration. Activate Google’s popular stats tool without any need to manually update theme files, templates, or installing additional plugins. For additional details please refer to our support document.


PHP 7.1 Compatibility

If your server is already running PHP 7.1 (or you’re considering upgrading), we’ve now added full compatibility with this version of PHP. If you come across any incompatibilities or problems please let us know.

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Publicize Improvements

We’ve made a few improvements to Publicize based on user feedback:

  • Publicize now works better with scheduled posts.
  • Works when scheduling posts on a site that doesn’t use the default WP Cron mechanism.
  • Publicize now respects the “Shared” connection settings on a site with multiple authors.

Enhancements to Shortcodes and Widgets

If you use any of the following shortcodes or widgets, you’ll note these enhancements:

  • Quiz shortcodes CSS doesn’t conflict with other Quiz plugins.
  • Reinstated the “No Scrollbar” option in the Twitter widget.
  • Fixed layout issues when the Top Posts Widget was set to use the “List” layout.
  • Made changes to the Upcoming Events and Google Translate widget to avoid conflicts with other plugins.

Full Changelog and Thanks

Read the full changelog to see the full list of the updates and changes in this release and as always, your feedback is extremely important so if you have any please get in touch or leave us a comment on this post.

Install Jetpack on your site or upgrade your current version today and let us know what you think.

A special thank you to the contributors to this release – thanks for helping make Jetpack better:

Alex Kirk, Andrew Duthie, Brandon Kraft, Daniel Walmsley, Derek Smart, Derek Springer, Dion Hulse, Elio Rivero, Enej Bajgoric, Eric Binnion, Erick Hitter, Gary Pendergast, George Stephanis, Jacob Morrison, James Nylen, Jason Stallings, Jeff Golenski, Jeff Stieler, Jeremy Herve, Lance Willett, Mark George, Nabeel Sulieman, Richard Muscat, Rodrigo Iloro, Stanimir Stoyanov, Stephen Edgar.

Pro Tip: Personal plan customers benefit from priority support and faster assistance.

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  1. Girolamo Aloe says:

    Hi, the previous release made a changing on the “Top Posts” widget that gave me a great advantage, the possibility to show a full feature image of the Top Post in the sidebar by a vertical list.

    I mean something like the “Display WordPress Posts” that shows the recent posts from another website. This one shows the feature image very well and I use it on all my websites.

    Why don’t you give the possibility to set the “Top Posts” widget showing a Full Feature image just like is done in the “Display WordPress Post” widget?

    Using the “bug” in the previous release of the Top Posts widget I was able to make my sidebar very attractive just making a few changing in the css classes making the feature images able to cover the width of the 100% of the sidebar.

    .widgets-list-layout-links {
    width: 100%;
    font-weight: bold;
    .widgets-list-layout .widgets-list-layout-blavatar {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%

    Now that you forced the use of the square images cropped: 200×200 or 40×40, it is not more possible to have the full feature image.

    Please, consider the possibility to have the feature images like the ones in the “Display WordPress Posts” widget.

    kind regards

    G. Aloe

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jpduvaleix says:


    Since your last update I no longer have a connection to the database … What can I do? My website is

    Best regards

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy says:

      Your site appears to be working properly right now; could you try to update again?

      If the problem reappears, Could you add the following to your site’s wp-config.php file?

      define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

      if ( WP_DEBUG ) {

      @error_reporting( E_ALL );
      @ini_set( 'log_errors', true );
      @ini_set( 'log_errors_max_len', '0' );

      define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
      define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
      define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );
      define( 'SAVEQUERIES', true );


      Your wp-config.php file may already include a line that says “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);”. You can remove it, and replace it by the code above.

      Once you’ve done so, update Jetpack again until you get the same error, and then check the wp-content/debug.log file for errors. You can send us the error logs via this form.

      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Mark Root-Wiley says:

    Looking forward to these fixes and features 🙂

    Can we get some more clarity around this entry in the changelog:

    > Keep an eye out for a note from WooCommerce on how your e-commerce store may benefit from our new USPS and CanadaPost shipping functionality.

    Is that related to WooCommerce Connect? Has this feature been shifted into Jetpack?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jeremy says:

      That’s indeed related! WooCommerce Connect is now called WooCommerce Services, and is available on here.

      You’re probably familiar with Jetpack’s existing “Just In Time” message delivery system, used to display notices in specific area of the dashboard, when it’s relevant for a site owner. We’ve used those notices to let you know how VaultPress can help backup your site, or how you can update multiple sites from our central interface.

      In this release, we will start displaying notices to WooCommerce users as well, to let them know about the WooCommerce Services plugin and how it can help them with their business.

      You can see a preview of the notice and learn more about when it is displayed by checking the related issue on GitHub.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Katia Bockstaele says:

    I just updated to the new version and lost my connection to This is the message I’m getting: Jetpack requires your site to be publicly accessible.
    Everything was working great before, and there’s no maintenance mode active. Could you please point me to a possible solution to get it all working again?

    Thanks! My website is

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jeremy says:

      Jetpack uses your site’s XML-RPC file to communicate with Unfortunately I cannot access that file on your site at the moment:

      If you use a security plugin to block access to the file, you’ll need to configure it to allow incoming and outgoing connections to /xmlrpc.php.

      If you do not use such plugin, you’ll want to contact your hosting provider and ask them if they currently block access to your site’s XML-RPC file.

      I hope this helps!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. jpduvaleix says:

    I apologize but you are not concerned about my site problems, but it was my site host, Nuxit, which was down.

    Best regards

    Jean-Pierre Duvaleix

    Liked by 2 people

  6. eemskrant says:

    just updated to the new version and lost my connection to the site, removed the plugin with FTP and the site came back online. reinstalled same problem. Older version of the plugin lockes me out off the dashboard now. How to fix?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Jakob Boman says:

    Love the integration with Google analytics!
    Great work.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Michael Avery says:

    Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

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