Jetpack 7.8: Making Jetpack a Stronger Team

Jetpack 7.8 ships several under-the-hood improvements and bug fixes that make Jetpack’s features work even better for you and your website. Jetpack is more than the sum of its code, though — it is the collective work of an amazing group of designers, product experts, Happiness Engineers, and code wranglers at Automattic.

During this release cycle, we improved Jetpack while also spending a week in person at Automattic’s Grand Meetup. We’re a fully distributed company — everyone works wherever in the world is best for them — but during this week, we gather in one place to discuss our products and the larger open source and open web environment, and to be inspired by each other and build deeper connections across teams and divisions. We’ve become very good at working together virtually for most of the year, but still find the in-person experience of the Grand Meetup incredibly powerful.

Does distributed work sound interesting to you? Check out our CEO Matt Mullenweg’s Distributed podcast. Want to learn more about our Grand Meetup? Read a8cgm-tagged posts on or browse photos on Instagram. Lastly, want to join the fun and make the web a better place? Come on and work with us!

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this release:

Artur Piszek, Bernie Reiter, Brandon Kraft, Caleb Bauermeister, Chris Runnells, Christos Koumenides, Daniel Walmsley, Darren Ethier, Dat Hoang, Derek Smart, Enej Bajgoric, Hanif Norman, Igor Zinovyev, Jeremy Herve, John Cook, Jon Surrell, Kerry Liu, Kim Brown, Marin Atanasov, Michael D Adams, Miguel Lezama, Mikael Korpela, Mikey Arce, Noah Allen, Piotr Delawski, Rebecca Hum, Rick Curran, Rocco Tripaldi, Scott Evans, Weston Ruter, Yaroslav Kukharuk

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Jeremy Herve profile
Jeremy Herve

Jetpack Mechanic 🚀 at Automattic. WordPress, board games, TV Series, music.

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  1. René says:

    After the update the files dom-ready.min.js and wp-polyfill.min.js are loaded. What’s it all about and how can I turn it off again? 🤔


    • Jeremy Herve says:

      Those files are usually loaded by WordPress alongside specific blocks. Could you contact us via this contact form to tell us more about this? If we know more about your site setup, what Jetpack features you use, and where you see those 2 files, we should be able to help!


  2. dailyng says:

    I love this. Thanks a million times


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