Share It Again: New Social Media Features for Premium and Professional Customers

Note: Publicize is now auto-share and is part of Jetpack Social.

Sharing your posts on social media is a great way to ensure your site or blog gets traffic. Our Publicize feature makes it easy to automatically share your new posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks.

But what about your previously published posts? For posts that are always relevant or valuable to new readers, you may want to share them again — weeks, months, or even years later.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce Re-Publicize, a new feature for our Jetpack Premium and Professional users. Re-Publicize allows you to share previously published posts on social networks — with custom messaging for each service, as well.

This is part of the suite of services Jetpack sites can use on, including the ability to manage your site and plugins, write content, and now re-share your posts. Just go to the Blog Posts section of your site on, select Share, and you’ll see the new sharing menu for reposting to your social accounts:


Then you’re all set!

As a Premium or Professional customer, using Re-Publicize, it is now easier to automatically share existing posts to social media, allowing you to make the most of your content.

We’re excited about this new feature, and we hope you enjoy using it.

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  1. freefincal says:

    What does automatic resharing mean? Can the user decide frequency which posts should be shared etc? A screenshot of the settings would be useful.


  2. Dave Z says:

    Related, would be great if we could do more to manage our email newsletter subscribers. For example, I’d like to move my legacy Mailchimp people into Jetpack.


  3. Laura Prather says:

    Hey. How about a RE-BLOG feature for self-hosted wordpress?! (pretty please) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy says:

      Thanks for the suggestion! That’s not on our roadmap so far, but we’ll see if we can include such a feature in Jetpack in the future! You can follow our progress on this here.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. theboatgalley says:

    Being able to schedule or queue would make it MUCH more useful. I can manually share posts without this. In fact, I can schedule with the native FB app.


    • Jeremy says:

      Thanks for the feedback! Scheduling options are definitely something we’re considering, as they would indeed make this new feature even better! We’ll post again here as soon as we implement something like this.


  5. lunasgrimoire says:

    How is this any different from scheduling content in Hootsuite or buffer?


    • Jeremy says:

      This new Jetpack feature doesn’t actually allow you to schedule anything just yet. It does, however, allow you to publish content to multiple platforms at the same time, at will, much like in Hootsuite or Buffer indeed!


  6. romanzif says:

    Guys pls “automatically re-share existing posts to social media” mean scheduling! It will be great feature and i buy pro package


  7. timbdesignmpls says:

    Dang I might have to do Premium 😀


  8. الهامش says:

    any way to publishing automatically in facebook group ?


  9. Ekant Puri says:

    Great feature. Jetpack is an amazing plugin for WordPress.
    One Question.
    I am a web developer and develop my client’s website on WordPress. Can I buy JetPack in bulk at discounted prices?


  10. carlyhulls says:

    This would be awesome if it could be scheduled to re-share at different intervals, otherwise its really not much more useful that manually re-sharing directly onto the social network manually. If you guys could have similar functionality to ‘Revive old post’ plugin where we can schedule to reshare at intervals across social networks that would make it worth the extra cost for premium! Exciting steps in the right direction though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy says:

      Thanks for the feedback! We’re continuously working on improve Jetpack and its features, and we’ll definitely consider different scheduling methods when we next iterate on the Publicize feature.


  11. Nuno says:

    Could we know the pricing please?



  12. doktoroo says:

    Jeremy hello:

    I have a “common” issue that others have encountered.

    Many of my posts (woocommerce products) are created using the popular Duplicate-Post Plugin, and understandably do not get “publicized” due to values in duplicated Meta Fields.

    Would this new Share It Again feature serve as a work-around? i.e. Let me Publicize duplicated/edited posts that Jetpack sees as already being Publicized?

    Thanks – GARRY, Los Angeles

    p.s. I realize Instagram a proprietary publishing protocol, but none of the smarts kids at Jetpack yet to crack it? Would be nice to publicize there too (and Pinterest). Maybe one day…?


    • Jeremy says:

      Thanks for the feedback! We’re actually in the process of fixing that issue when duplicating WooCommerce products thanks to WooCommerce’s duplication options. You can follow our progress on this here.
      Until the problem is fixed, and if you use a Premium or Professional Jetpack plan on your site, you can indeed force-publicize thanks to our new “Share it Again” feature.

      I realize Instagram a proprietary publishing protocol, but none of the smarts kids at Jetpack yet to crack it?

      I’m afraid that’s not really possible right now; Instagram only allows Android and iOS photo apps to push content (images) to an Instagram profile. They do not have any API we could use to push from a WordPress site to your Instagram account. If they ever implement something like this, we’ll definitely consider adding Instagram as a new Publicize option!

      Pinterest, however, does have an API we could use. It’s been suggested by a few other Jetpack users in the past few years, and we’re tracking those suggestions here. I added a link to your comment to the list, so I can come back and let you know whenever we start working on this!


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