Directory Indexing: What it is and Why You Need to Disable it

Your digital information is valuable, which makes safeguarding that information incredibly important. Among the many aspects of website security, directory indexing stands out as a key element that is often overlooked. This might seem like a small cog in the vast machinery of web security, but its impact is significant.

Imagine a scenario where someone could casually stroll through your personal files and folders without your knowledge. Alarming, isn’t it? This is essentially what can happen with unregulated directory indexing on your website. 

In this guide, we’ll shed light on directory indexing, exploring its definition, risks, and the vital need to manage it effectively. 

What is directory indexing?

Directory indexing is a server feature that many people don’t think about, but it plays a crucial role in how websites work. When a web server doesn’t find an index file (like index.html) in a directory, it can either display an error or list the contents of the directory. This listing is called “directory indexing.” It’s like leaving your file cabinet open, so anyone who passes by can see what’s inside.

This feature was originally designed for ease of use, allowing people to navigate through folders on the web just like they would on their computer. However, it also means that if a directory on your website is unprotected and lacks an index file, anyone can view its contents just by typing the right URL. This might include files you never intended to be public — like images, documents, or even code.

The history and evolution of directory indexing

Early use in web servers

The story of directory indexing starts in the early days of the internet. At that time, web servers were simpler tools, primarily used for sharing files and information within small groups. Directory indexing was a practical feature, allowing users to easily navigate and access these files. It was like a library catalog, guiding people to the shelf and book they were looking for.

In the beginning, security wasn’t a major concern. The internet was more like a community of academics and enthusiasts, where trust was a given. Web servers, like the early versions of Apache, were designed with openness in mind, allowing for straightforward file sharing and directory listing.

Evolution in response to security concerns

As the internet grew and evolved, so did its user base. This expansion brought a wider variety of intentions, including bad ones. Web servers were no longer just small community libraries; they had become vast stores of valuable information. As a result, the open nature of directory indexing, once an asset, turned into a liability.

This shift led to a significant evolution in how directory indexing was managed. Web server administrators started to see the importance of restricting access to their directories. Security measures — such as configuring server settings to disable directory indexing and using scripts to control access — became common practice.

This evolution highlights a key theme in the world of internet security: adaptability. As threats evolve, so must your defenses. Directory indexing is a clear example of this, transitioning from a helpful tool to a potential security risk that needs careful management.

Types of directory indexing


Auto-indexing is the automated creation of a list of files and directories on a web server. When this feature is enabled and a user accesses a directory without a default index file, the server automatically generates and displays a web page listing the contents of that directory. This is convenient for navigation, but can be risky if sensitive files are exposed.

Manual indexing

Manual indexing, on the other hand, involves deliberately creating index files for specific directories. This method gives website owners more control over what’s hidden and what’s listed. Unlike auto-indexing, where the server decides what to display, manual indexing puts the power in the hands of the site owner. They can create custom index pages, which can include links to certain files while omitting others, or even design these pages to match the website’s overall look and feel.

Both types of indexing serve the same basic purpose of helping users navigate through the content of a website. However, their approaches differ significantly. 

Auto-indexing is about convenience and ease of use, often at the expense of security. Manual indexing, while more labor-intensive, offers greater control and safety. It’s a trade-off between automation and security, and understanding this balance is key to effectively handling directory indexing on your site.

Common web servers and directory indexing mechanisms


Apache is one of the most popular web servers in use today. It comes with an auto-indexing feature known as “mod_autoindex”. When enabled, it allows the server to automatically generate a web page listing the contents of directories without an index file. 

However, Apache also provides extensive configuration options. Website administrators can use the .htaccess file to control directory listing, making it possible to turn off auto-indexing or customize its behavior for different directories.


Nginx, another widely used web server, handles directory indexing differently. By default, Nginx does not enable directory listing. However, if required, it can be turned on by adding the “autoindex on;” directive in the server configuration.

Like Apache, Nginx also allows for fine-tuned control over directory indexing, letting administrators specify which directories to index and how the indexing should appear to the user.

Microsoft IIS

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is a commonly-used web server for Windows-based systems. In IIS, directory browsing is controlled through the IIS Manager. It can be enabled or disabled on a per-directory basis. The approach in IIS is more graphical and user-friendly, allowing users to easily toggle on and off directory indexing through its interface.

Each of these web servers offers different mechanisms for handling directory indexing, reflecting their unique approaches to hosting and management. Understanding the specific features and settings of the server you’re using is essential for effectively managing directory indexing and protecting your website from potential security risks. 

Whether you’re using Apache, Nginx, or IIS, the key lies in knowing how to configure your server to strike the right balance between usability and security.

Directory indexing risks and vulnerabilities

Unauthorized access to files and directories

One of the primary risks associated with directory indexing is unauthorized access. When directory listing is enabled, it can inadvertently reveal files and directories that were not meant to be public. This exposure can lead to unauthorized users accessing sensitive information such as configuration files, source code, and personal data. 

Information leakage and data exposure

Directory indexing can lead to information leakage, where details about the structure and content of your website become visible to outsiders. This can include file names, directory structures, and file types, all of which are valuable to someone looking to exploit vulnerabilities.

Potential for sensitive data exposure

Sensitive data exposure is a critical risk. Folders that contain backups, user data, or administrative information can be accessed if they’re not properly protected. This exposure can result in significant privacy breaches, legal issues, and loss of trust from customers and visitors. 

Impact on SEO and user experience

Directory indexing can also negatively impact your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and the user experience. Search engines may index these directories, leading to unwanted pages appearing in search results. This can dilute your website’s SEO efforts and confuse visitors who stumble upon these raw directory pages instead of the well-designed pages you intended for them to see.

How attackers exploit directory indexing

Information gathering

Attackers often begin their reconnaissance by gathering as much information as they can about a target. Directory indexing is a goldmine for this purpose. It allows them to easily view and catalog the structure of your website, identifying potential points of entry and valuable data. 

Directory traversal attacks

Directory traversal is a method attackers use to access restricted directories and files. By exploiting poorly-configured directory indexing, they can navigate the directory tree of your server, reaching areas that are not intended for public access. 

Exploit of misconfigured permissions

Misconfigured permissions on directories and files can be a direct consequence of careless directory indexing. Attackers can exploit these settings to gain unauthorized access, modify content, or even upload malicious files, leading to more severe security breaches like data theft or site defacement.

Brute force and dictionary attacks

Visible directories and files in an index can provide attackers with clues for brute force or dictionary attacks, especially if the file names suggest certain functions or contain user information. Knowing what’s inside your server can help them tailor their attacks, making them more likely to succeed.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) and other exploits

If attackers find files with vulnerabilities through directory indexing, they might exploit these for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks or other malicious activities. These exploits can be used to steal data, take over user sessions, or even gain control of the website.

Credential harvesting through exploited indexing

In some cases, directory indexing can reveal files containing login credentials or configuration settings. Attackers harvesting this information can gain extensive control over the website and its underlying systems.

Why directory indexing needs to be disabled

Legal and regulatory requirements

In many cases, disabling directory indexing is not just a security best practice, but also a legal necessity. Various data protection laws and regulations mandate safeguarding personal data. If your website inadvertently exposes sensitive information due to directory indexing, it could lead to legal repercussions and hefty fines.

Security best practices

From a security standpoint, disabling directory indexing is a fundamental best practice. It closes off an easy avenue for attackers to gather information about your website’s structure and contents. By limiting the information that’s publicly available, you reduce your site’s vulnerability to a range of attacks. 

We guard your site. You run your business.

Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security, including real‑time backups, a web application firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection.

Secure your site

Protection against malicious actors

Disabling directory indexing is a proactive step in protecting your website from malicious actors. By not revealing the structure and files of your website, you make it significantly harder for attackers to find and exploit vulnerabilities. This is particularly important for websites that store user data or sensitive information. 

Mitigating SEO and user experience issues

Besides security, disabling directory indexing can also benefit your website’s SEO and user experience. Search engines may inadvertently index these directories, leading to unprofessional-looking listings in search results. By disabling indexing, you ensure that only the content you want to be seen is indexed. This leads to a cleaner, more professional online presence and a better experience for your visitors.

How to disable directory indexing

Apache configuration

To disable directory indexing in Apache, you need to access the .htaccess file in your website’s root directory. Here, you can add the line “Options -Indexes” to stop the server from listing directory contents. It’s important to ensure that the .htaccess file is properly secured to prevent unauthorized changes.

Nginx configuration

In Nginx, directory indexing isn’t enabled by default. However, if it’s been turned on, you can disable it by editing the Nginx configuration file. Locate the autoindex directive within the server block and set it to “off”. This change will prevent Nginx from displaying the contents of directories without index files.

Microsoft IIS configuration

Those using Microsoft IIS, can disable directory browsing through the IIS Manager. In the manager, navigate to the directory you wish to protect, open the Directory Browsing feature, and make sure it’s disabled. This action will stop IIS from listing the contents of the directory.

Configuring your server to disable directory indexing is a straightforward, yet effective, way to enhance your website’s security. By taking these steps, you can protect sensitive data, reduce your site’s vulnerability to attacks, and maintain a professional appearance in search engine listings. It’s a crucial part of a comprehensive security strategy for any website.

Best practices beyond directory indexing

After securing your website against the risks of directory indexing, it’s essential to consider other best practices for overall website security.

Regular software updates

Keeping your software updated is crucial. This includes your content management system (like WordPress), plugins, themes, and server software. Updates often contain security patches for vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. Neglecting updates is like leaving your front door with a weak lock that can be easily picked.

Strong password policies

Implement strong password policies for all user accounts, especially those with administrative privileges. Encourage complex passwords and consider setting up multifactor authentication for an added layer of security. 

Web application firewall (WAF)

A web application firewall (WAF) helps protect your website from a variety of web-based attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and others. It acts as a shield, filtering out malicious traffic and requests before they reach your website.

Vulnerability and malware scanner

Utilizing a vulnerability and malware scanner is like having a security guard continuously monitoring your site. These tools can identify and alert you to potential security issues, helping you to act before they become a problem.

Regular backups for disaster recovery

Regularly back up your website. In case of a security breach or data loss, backups are your safety net, allowing you to restore your website to a previous state. Store these backups securely and make sure they’re easily accessible in case of an emergency.

Implementing these best practices forms a more comprehensive approach to website security, safeguarding your site not just from directory indexing risks but from a broad spectrum of potential threats. In the following section, we’ll specifically discuss how Jetpack Security, a powerful tool for WordPress sites, aligns with these best practices, offering robust features to enhance your website’s security.

How Jetpack Security helps secure WordPress sites

Jetpack Security, specifically designed for WordPress sites, offers a comprehensive suite of tools that align with the best practices for website security. Let’s explore how its features enhance the security of WordPress sites.

1. A robust web application firewall 

Jetpack Security’s web application firewall acts as a strong barrier between your WordPress site and malicious traffic. It effectively blocks harmful requests and attacks before they can reach your website, providing a strong first line of defense against a variety of online threats.

2. Real-time malware scanning

Jetpack Security includes real-time malware scanning, which constantly monitors your site for signs of malicious code or suspicious activity. This proactive approach allows you to address any potential threats quickly (and often with just one click!), significantly reducing the risk of damage and data breaches.

3. WordPress-focused vulnerability scanning

Jetpack Security also provides WordPress-focused vulnerability scanning. This feature is tailored to the unique aspects of WordPress, scanning for vulnerabilities specifically relevant to themes and plugins. By focusing on these elements, Jetpack offers a targeted approach to security that’s highly effective.

4. Real-time backups on secure cloud servers

Understanding the importance of regular backups, Jetpack Security offers real-time WordPress backups on secure cloud servers. This means that your website and all its data is backed up every single time you make a change, providing peace of mind. In the event of an incident, you can quickly restore your site to a previous state with minimal disruption, even if your website is completely down.

5. Downtime monitoring

Downtime monitoring is another key feature of Jetpack Security. This service continuously checks your site and alerts you if it goes down, allowing you to address any issues promptly. This helps maintain your site’s availability and reliability, which is crucial for user experience and SEO.

6. An activity log to monitor site management activity

Finally, Jetpack Security includes an activity log that records all important activities on your site. This feature is invaluable for tracking changes, monitoring user actions, and detecting any unauthorized activity. It’s an essential tool for maintaining oversight of your WordPress site and ensuring its security.

Jetpack Security integrates these features seamlessly with your WordPress site, providing a comprehensive solution to your security needs. By using Jetpack Security, WordPress site owners can significantly enhance their site’s protection against a wide range of cyber threats.

Frequently asked questions

What exactly is directory indexing, and how does it work?

Directory indexing is a web server feature that lists all the files and directories within a web directory when there is no index file (like /index.html). When a user accesses such a directory, instead of seeing a web page, they see a list of files and folders contained in that directory.

Why is directory indexing considered a security risk?

Directory indexing is considered a security risk because it can expose sensitive files and directories to unauthorized users. This can lead to information leakage, unauthorized access, and other security vulnerabilities, as it gives attackers insights into the structure and contents of your website.

Are there any legitimate uses for directory indexing?

Yes, directory indexing can be used legitimately for easy navigation and access to files in a controlled environment, such as internal networks or file sharing systems where security is not a primary concern.

How do I check if directory indexing is enabled on my website?

To check if directory indexing is enabled, try accessing a directory on your website that does not contain an index file. If you see a list of files instead of a web page or an error message, directory indexing is likely enabled. Alternatively, you can use a tool like Directory Browser Test to check your directory indexing status.

Can directory indexing be selectively enabled for certain directories?

Yes, directory indexing can be selectively enabled or disabled for specific directories using server configuration files like .htaccess in Apache or the Nginx configuration file.

What are the best practices for securing a directory that needs to be indexed?

If you need to enable directory indexing for a directory, make sure that it doesn’t contain sensitive files. Implement access controls, use strong passwords, and consider placing an index file that controls what’s displayed to the user.

Directory indexing vs directory traversal: What’s the difference?

Directory indexing refers to the listing of files in a directory when there is no index file. Directory traversal is a security exploit that allows attackers to access restricted directories by manipulating URLs. While directory indexing can aid in traversal attacks, they’re different issues. 

Jetpack Security: A comprehensive security plugin for WordPress

As we wrap up our discussion on directory indexing and website security, it’s clear that safeguarding a WordPress site requires a comprehensive approach. This is where Jetpack Security stands out as the ideal security solution for WordPress websites. 

Jetpack Security offers easy-to-implement WordPress site security, addressing a wide range of concerns. Key features include:

1. Real-time backups on secure cloud servers. This ensures your data is always safe and can be restored quickly in case of any incident.

2. A robust web application firewall. This protects your site from a variety of online threats before they can do any harm.

3. Real-time malware scanning. This tool constantly monitors your site for malicious code and security threats.

4. WordPress-focused vulnerability scanning. These scans act as tailored security checks that are specifically designed for WordPress sites.

5. Downtime monitoring. This keeps an eye on your site’s uptime and alerts you immediately if it goes down.

6. An activity log. Get a detailed record of everything that happens on your site, which is invaluable for tracking changes and identifying unauthorized activities.

With Jetpack Security, you can focus on growing your website and business, knowing that your online presence is secure, protected, and continuously monitored. For more information and to see how Jetpack Security can enhance the security of your WordPress site, visit

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Jen Swisher profile

Jen Swisher

Jen is a Customer Experience Specialist for Jetpack. She has been working with WordPress and Jetpack for over a decade. Before starting at Automattic, Jen helped small businesses, local non-profits, and Fortune 50 companies create engaging web experiences for their customers. She is passionate about teaching others how to create on the web without fear.

We guard your site. You run your business.

Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security, including real‑time backups, a web application firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection.

Secure your site

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